
Fall Gold Raspberry
Everbearing - Hybrid of Taylor X wild Korean mountain berry X Fall Red. Large to very large golden berries of excellent flavor. Extremely sweet and soft texture. Very adaptable and winter hardy. Harvest June through fall. Self-fruitful. Best in zones 4 - 11.

Heritage Red Raspberry
Everbearing - Large, sweet, dark red raspberries. Mild flavor and excellent quality. Good for all uses. Moderate early crop in June - July. Heavier late crop August through fall. Berries keep well on or off the vine. Self-fruitful. Best in zones 4 - 11.

Willamette Red Raspberry
Large to very large, long-conic berries. Very firm and deep red. Lower sugar content, slightly tart flavor. Good for all uses. Berries hold and store well. Main harvest June, July. Some support required. Self-fruitful. Best in zones 5 -10.

Navajo Blackberry
Thornless - small berries with possibly the best flavor of all blackberries. Developed at University of Arkansas. Shows moderate disease resistance. Highly adaptable. Upright canes do not require support. Self-fruitful, best in zones 5 -10.

Triple Crown Black Berry
Thornless- named for its three crowning attributes: flavor, productivity and vigor. Large, firm and flavorful berries. Can produce up to 30 lbs of fruit per vine. Great for fresh use and canning. Long semi-trailing canes require support. Highly Adaptable. Summer harvest. Self fruitful. Best in zones 5 - 10.

Bluecrop Blueberry
No. 1 variety, the standard of excellence. Upright, vigorous bush. Very productive. Large, firm, great flavor. Fruit does not drop or crack. Tolerates hot summers if soil is moist, acidic, and high in humus. 800 hours. Self-fruitful.

Misty Blueberry
Southern Highbush. Early, in the West Misty is quite vigorous, growing very well both on the coast and in the inland heat. This excellent flavored fruit does well in areas with chilling as lows as 150 hours and all areas with mild winters and hot summers.

O'Neal Blueberry
Southern Highbush (low chill, tolerates heat). Large fruit is especially sweet and flavorful. Early season. Soil must be acidic, high in humus. 5-6 ft. bush. 200 hours. Self-fruitful, but plant two varieties for largest crops.

Pink Lemonade Blueberry
A hybrid of Rabbiteye and southern Highbush. A recently released selection developed in the 1970s by U.S.D.A.- Beautiful interior and exterior pink color develop with peak ripeness - unique spritley sweet flavor -Highly desired by dessert chefs and used as contrast with blue varieties - Zone 4 - 9 Self-fruitful - Estimated at 300 chill hours.

Sunshine Blue Blueberry
Southern Highbush cultivar. Great flavored firm berries. Ripens May 10 through June 15 at Gainesville, Florida. A semi-dwarf evergreen bush with great fall color. Showy hot pink flowers fade to white in spring. Self-fruitful. Estimated chilling hours needed 150 hours, but very cold hardy as well.

Thornless Boysenberry
a hybrid of blackberry, raspberry, dewberry and loganberry. Very large berry up to, 2.5", dark maroon in color with an intense, tangy, sweet flavor. Excellent quality with few seeds and a pleasant aroma. Vine-like trailing growth habit. Harvest through summer. Self-fruitful, best in zones 5 - 10.
Goji Berries

Goji Berry
(aka Wolfberry) Highly acclaimed for high nutrient and antioxidant value. Recently termed a superfood. Ripe berries can be used fresh, dried, frozen and in teas. Goji has an appealing spicy, nutty flavor. Berries are bright red-orange when ripe. Harvest summer through fall. Shrubby plant to 8-12 ft. or prune to desired manageable size. Hardy to sub-zero and very drought tolerant once established. Requires neutral to slightly alkaline soil. Well adapted to container growing. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 4 - 11.

Black Monukka Seedless Grape
Large, purplish-black, sweet, crisp. Does not require as much summer heat as Thompson. Fresh or raisins. Early mid-sea-son. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Cane or spur prune.

Crimson Seedless Grape
New late season seedless grape, ripens early October in Fresno, CA. Medium size, firm, very sweet, excellent quality. Cane prune. 100 hours. Self-fruitful.

Flame Seedless Grape
Medium-sized, light red. Crisp, sweet, excellent flavor. For fresh use or raisins. Needs hot summer. Ripens before Thompson. Vigorous. 100 —hours. Self-fruitful. Cane or spur prune.

Thompson Seedless Grape
Most popular grape in CA, AZ. Fresh & raisins. Pale green, very sweet. Thin the clusters for larger berries. Needs plenty of heat. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Cane prune.

Concord Grape
(Eastern Concord) Versatile, long-time favorite American grape. Blue-black berry with rich, distinctive flavor, used for table, juice, jelly and wine. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Cane prune.

Concord Seedless Grape
American grape, a sport of Concord. Berries very similar to Concord, but seedless (or seeds very rare). Bluish-black skin, green flesh, distinctive Concord flavor. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Cane prune.