P.O. Box 1234, 11605 New Ave

Gilroy, CA 95021-1234

(408) 427-1828

Kate: (408) 515-3565


Nova Mandelo

Nova s a hybrid of a mandarin and a tangelo. Easy to peel and often seedless. This exceptional fruit is fine-textured and juicy with a sweet rich flavor. Matures early and holds well on the tree.

Shasta Gold Mandarin

Somewhat spreading in form. Fruit is seedless and moderately large size. Rich and sweet flavor when mature. Late season ripening. Tree growth is vigorous.

Seedless Kishu Mandarin

This mandarin of Chinese origin makes a good container specimen. Fruit is seedless, mild-flavored, sweet and juicy. It ripens early and holds well on the tree. Great taste remains after peel puffs.

Yosemite Gold Mandarin

Large seedless fruit, dark orange rind. Flesh finely-textured, sweet and juicy. Fruit holds well on the tree. Vigorous tree growth, slightly spreading.

Gold Nugget Mandarin

An upright vigorous tree. Often declared as he best tasting mandarin. The Fruit has bumpy rind that is fairly easy to peel.

Dancy Tangerine

Best known commercial mandarin. Small orange-red fruit with thin lose skin. Juicy, tender, very flavorful orange flesh has some seeds.

Owari Satsuma Mandarin

Medium sized seedless fruit, has loose easily-peeled skin. The taste is mild, sweet, and juicy. Open, spreading tree. Very cold hardy.

Kinnow Mandarin

Makes an excellent ornamental. Medium sized, rich, sweet aromatic fruit. Densely foliated tree. Fruit holds very well on tree.

Algerian Mandarin

Excellent early mandarin. Medium sized, easy to peel delicious fruit, few seeds. Produces heavier with Valencia orange as a pollinator.

Honey Mandarin

Very sweet flavored. Small, easy to peel, thin-skinned fruit. Attractive vigorous tree, with or without thorns. An excellent ornamental.

Kara Mandarin

Medium large, sweet-tart, easy to peel. Best in moderately warm inland areas. Varies in seediness. Nearly thornless, spreading tree.

Encore Mandarin

A very juicy, mild flavored, easy peeling fruit. Orange skin with darker spots. Ripens later than most mandarins. Fruit holds well on the tree.

Pixie Mandarin

Best in coastal or moderate zones. Late ripening seedless fruit, mild sweet flavor. Vigirous, upright tree. Fruits holds well through summer.

Fairchild Mandarin

Fruit ahs great market appeal with bright red color, medium-thin skin, great taste; excelletn for juice. Pollinate with Dancy, Clementine, and Kinnow.

Mediterranean Mandarin

An important veriety worldwide, sometimes called ‘Willow Leaf’. Midseason ripening of sweet, aromatic yellow-orange, very juicy fruit.

Fremont Mandarin

An early variety with richly sweey flavor. Alternate bearer. Bright orange, seedy fruit.


Palestine Sweet Lime

Acidless, slightly sweet flavor. Used in Middle Eastern, Indian and Latin American cooking. Tree has spreading open character. Attractive pure wirhte flowers.

Bears Lime

Very popular nearly seedless lime. Lower hear requirement; more cold tolerant than Mexican Lime. Known as ‘Persian’ or ‘Tahiti’ elsewhere.

Mexican Lime

Bartender’s lime; small size green to yellowish fruit with very juicy aromatic, flavorful acid flesh. Thorny or thornless types.

Rangpur Lime

Vigorous, very productive cold hardy tree. Reddish orange rind with orange flesh. Juicy and acidic. Ever-bearing in mild climates.

Tavares Limequat

Excellent lime substitute. Yellow, oblong shaped fruit grows to 3 inches. Very hardy tree. Abundant fruit holds well on tree, high ornamental appeal.

Kieffer Lime

Popular in Thai cooking. Leaves are used as flavoring as well the juice and rind. A frost tender tree. Flowers can be used in tea.


Eureka Lemon

Highly productive, bearing fruit year round. Major grocery store variety. Medium sized yellow fruit, nearly seedless. Vigorous grower. Low heat requirement.

Lisbon Lemon

Very productive commercial variety. Tree and fruit tolerates heat, cold and wind. Vigorous growth.

Improved Meyer Lemon

Sweeter than a true lemon, very juicy. Cold hardy and ever-bearing. Smaller tree size also suited to pot culture.

Ponderosa Lemon

Lemons the size of grapefruits! Valued ornamental appearance. Fruit is flavorful and juicy. Container or garden culture.

Variegated Pink Lemon

‘Pink Lemonade’ tree. Light pink flesh. Leaves and immature fruit are variegated. A prized ornamental specimen. Nearly ever-bearing.

Mexican Sweet Lemon

Sweet but slightly acid flesh. Good for fresh juice, salsas and seafood. Tree has an open canopy & beautiful pink blushed flowers.

Buddha’s Hand Citron

Also known as Fingered Citron, this fruit is a symbol of supreme happiness. Extremely fragrant fruit that is candied. Frost sensitive plant.


Oro Blanco Grapefruit

A fantastic tasting grapefruit. One of the sweetest. Pummelo x Grapefruit hybrid. Nearly seedless, white flesh. Vigorous, spreading tree. Low heat requirement.

Marsh Seedless Grapefruit

Excellent quality whitre grapefruit. Large, thick-skinned, light yellow fruit with pale, juicy, seedless flesh. Fruit holds well on tree. Older commercial standard.

Star Ruby Grapefruit

Large, blushed, thick-skinned fruit with seedless ruby red flesh. Compact tree. Frost sensitive. Blushes well in coastal zones.

Riored Grapefruit

Developed in Texas. Excellent commercial variety of pink blusjed, seedless fruit. Fruit develops color in both coastal and inland regions. A dependable producer.

Melogold Grapefruit

Very large fruit with mild sweet flavor. Grapefruit x Pummelo hybrid. Needs less heat than true grapefruit. Seedless white flesh.


Bergamot Orange

Bergamot oil of the rind is used in Earl Grey tea and perfume. On handling or scratching the rind, the oil released has a beautifully and unique aroma. Flesh is very acidic and has a bitter flavor.

Washington Navel Orange

#1 commercial navel. Medium to large, easy to peel fruit with juicy seedless flesh. Attractive heavy bearing tree with dense dark green foliage.

Robertson Navel Orange

Very productive small-sized tree bears 2 – 3 weeks earlier than Washington Navel. Thick skinned, seedless fruit is identical to Washington.

Valencia Orange

The standard juice orange. A vigorous tree with dense upright growth that produces heavily. Fruit holds very well on tree.

Trovita Orange

Excellent flavored, medium sized, sweet and juicy with few seeds. Attractive upright tree bears heavily. Great for cooler areas.

Tarocco Blood Orange

Largest fruit among Blood oranges. Excellent tasting flesh is spotted red; orange skin. Vigorous open growth character.

Sanguinelli Blood Orange

Oblong fruit with orange-skin that holds well on the tree. Deep red, nearly seedless flesh, almost berry like flavor. Early ripening.

Moro Blood Orange

Darkest red of all Blood oranges. Develops red color even in coastal areas. Sweet and juicy, few to no seeds. Fruit holds well.

Skaggs Bonanza Orange

Fruit similar to Washington Navel, ripens 2- to 3 weeks earlier and often beras at an earlier age. Tree size is smaller, rounder and more dense.

Summernaval Orange

A late ripening rich flavored eating orange. Easy to peel with think rind. Vigorous, spreading growth. Large attractive leaves & russet bark.

Palestine Jaffa Orange

Popular eating orange in the Mediterrenean. Thrives wherever navels do. Fragrant, sweet flavored fruit. Also called Shamouti.

Midknight Valencia Orange

Originated from S. Africa. This seedless variety ripens 2-4 weeks earlier than Valencia. Excellent commercial & backyard producer.

Chinotto Sour Orange

This unusual myrtle leaf sour orange grows into a uniquely handsome small tree. Fruit prized for making candy. Stes clusters of fruits.

Lane Late Orange

Ripens 4 to 6 weeks later than Washington Orange. Excellent seedless fruit, easy to peel. Holds well on tree. Hails from Australia.

Fukumoto Orange

An excellent tasting early maturing navel. Attractive orange-red rind that is easy to peel.

Other Citrus

Chandler Pummelo

The standard for commercial pummelos. Very large, yellow fruit with very thick skin. Pinkish flesh has a very sweet flavor. Beautiful, dark-green foliage.

Minneola Tangelo

Mandarin x grapefruit. Large redish orange fruit with prominent neck. Peels easy. Juicy and few seeds. Bears heavily. Unique rich tart flavor.

Nagami Kumquat

Small, oval, bright orange fruit, tender, sweet rind with moderately sour flash and few seeds. Used in a marmalade or eaten fresh with rind.

Meiwa Kumquat

Sweetest of commercial kumquat varieties; best variety for fresh fruit use. Rounded, orange colored fruit has a sweet rind. Excellent for container growing.


The fruit is larger than a kumquat, with sweet rind and juicy, tart center when ripe. Make preserves or marmalade. A fine ornamental.

Variegated Calamondin

A spectacular ornamentalwith beautifully variegatedleaves and fruit. Fruit holds variegation when ripe. A tart fruit with a sweet rind.

Bouquet de Fleurs

Plentiful richly-fragrant blossoms adorn this prized ornamental citrus. Fruit is juicy & sour. Especially lovely specimen, patio tree, or hedge.

Eustis Limequat

Mexican Lime x Kumquat. Highly productive. Light yellow round fruit. Very cold hardy. Good choice for espalier.

Fukushu Kumquat

Very attractive and cold hardy tree. Compact growth habit. Wonderful ornamental qualities. Round fruit with thin rinds that is eaten whole. Heavy producer.